Being an authentic Christian means learning to live in the tension between truth and love. Jesus demonstrated this perfectly when He did not rush to condemn the woman caught in adultery but instead offered her grace and a path to redemption. This balance is crucial in our interactions with others. We must hold fast to the truth of the Gospel while extending love and grace to those around us. This tension is not easy to navigate, but it is essential for authentic Christian living.

Bible Verse
So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, ‘He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.’ – John 8:7

Reflection Question
How can you better balance truth and love in your interactions with others?

If you want to be an authentic Christian, you have to learn to live in the tension between truth and love.

Lord, teach me to live in the tension between truth and love. Help me to extend grace while holding fast to Your truth. Amen.