The Call to Zeal and Repentance

Jesus’ prescription for the Laodiceans is clear: be zealous and repent. This involves a fervent commitment to Christ and a heartfelt turnaround from complacency. Repentance means changing our minds and actions to align with God’s will. It requires us to be honest about our shortcomings and to seek God’s forgiveness and guidance. Today, consider what it means to be zealous for God. How can you cultivate a passionate and committed relationship with Him?

Bible Verse
‘Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.’ – Revelation 3:19

Reflection Question 
What specific areas in your life require repentance, and how can you demonstrate a renewed zeal for God?

His prescription is clear: be zealous and repent.

Lord, I repent of my complacency and lukewarmness. Fill me with a renewed zeal for You and help me to live a life that reflects my commitment to Your will. Amen.