Restoring Fellowship with Christ

Jesus stands at the door and knocks, inviting us to restore our fellowship with Him. This image is a powerful reminder that Jesus desires a close and intimate relationship with us. He is always ready to welcome us back, no matter how far we have strayed. Reflect on your relationship with Christ. Are there barriers that have hindered your fellowship with Him? Take this opportunity to open the door and invite Him into every area of your life.

Bible Verse
‘Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.’ – Revelation 3:20

Reflection Question 
What barriers have you placed between yourself and Christ, and how can you remove them to restore your fellowship with Him?

Jesus stands at the door and knocks, inviting us to restore our fellowship with Him.

Jesus, I hear Your knock and I open the door of my heart to You. Restore our fellowship and help me to walk closely with You every day. Amen.