Have you ever received a message that required an immediate response? Perhaps a text from a loved one or an urgent email from work. When God speaks to us, it’s not just casual conversation – it’s a call to action. His words carry purpose and intention, designed to move us toward His perfect plan. Just like Jonah, we often hear God’s voice clearly, but our response isn’t always immediate obedience. Sometimes we hesitate, question, or even run in the opposite direction. Yet God’s words remain, waiting for our response.

Bible Verse
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” – Romans 1:12

Reflection Question
What is God currently speaking into your life that requires a response from you?

“God doesn’t speak just to have something to say. When God speaks, he expects a response to what he says. There is an implied demand of response to what God says.”

Lord, help me to not just be a hearer of Your word, but a doer. Give me the courage to respond to Your voice with immediate obedience. Amen.