Our hearts are like gardens – what we nurture grows. While many things in life deserve our attention and care, they should never compete with our devotion to God. Career success, family relationships, and even ministry involvement are wonderful blessings, but they can slowly shift from being gifts we steward to idols we serve. The key is maintaining proper perspective, keeping God at the center while appreciating His blessings in their proper place.
Bible Verse
“‘I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.'” – Malachi 3:6
Reflection Question
What good things in your life might be competing with God for first place in your heart?
“When what is good becomes a rival to God, it’s an idol.” -Pastor Jerry Madden
Father, show me where my devotion has become divided. Help me keep You at the center of everything. Reset my priorities according to Your will. Amen.