The Sovereignty of Jesus

DevotionalJesus is not just a baby in a manger; He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His sovereignty extends over all creation, from the cosmos to the moral order within us. Everything has its origin in Jesus Christ, and He holds all things together. Reflect on...

God With Us: Emmanuel

DevotionalThe miracle of Christmas is that God came to be with us. Jesus, the image of the invisible God, took on human form to rescue us. This is not just a historical event; it is a present reality. God is with us in our joys and our struggles. He understands our...

Rediscovering the Awe of Christmas

DevotionalChristmas is a season filled with traditions, but it’s easy to lose sight of its true meaning. We often become desensitized to the familiar, losing our sense of wonder and gratitude for the miracle of God becoming man. This Christmas, let’s...

Accepting the Finished Work of Christ

DevotionalSuddenly he heard what (Martin) Luther realized, that there is nothing for us to do other than accept what Jesus Christ has done on our behalf. There’s nothing today that I have to do. His work is already finished. It’s already settled....

The Transforming Power of the Gospel

DevotionalThe Gospel should lead to a transformation that goes beyond mere religious observance, producing fruits like love, joy, peace, and patience in our lives. All of our inner issues can be traced back to a lack of gospel fruit being born in our lives. Anger is...