The Joyous Proclamation

DevotionalThe Gospel is my joy. The word gospel translates to joyous proclamation. True joy comes from understanding that Jesus Christ has already done the work for us, and there is nothing left for us to add. There’s nothing today that I have to do. His work is...

The Living Gospel

DevotionalIt is one thing to have the gospel presented to you. It is another thing to have the gospel become alive within you. The question isn’t, do you know the story? The question is, is the story alive within you? The Gospel should be more than just...

Rediscovering the Essence of Christmas

DevotionalAs we dive into the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of decorations, gift-buying, and festive preparations. Yet, amidst all this, there often lies a sense of emptiness. We’ve gone through the process. We hung...

All Things Work Together for Good

Devotional Romans 8:28 assures us that all things work together for good to those who love God. This means that even the bad things in our lives can be used by God for a greater purpose. Often, we struggle to see the good in difficult situations, but this verse...

More Than Conquerors

Devotional Romans 8:37 declares that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us. This means that through Jesus, we have the victory over all challenges and adversities. Often, we feel defeated by our circumstances, but this verse reminds us that we have...