DevotionalWe often find ourselves creating a comfortable version of Jesus that fits neatly into our lives. Like arranging furniture in a room, we position Him where He’s convenient, not disruptive. But authentic Christianity was never meant to be comfortable....
DevotionalThe heart of Christianity isn’t about perfect church attendance or flawless behavior – it’s about falling deeply in love with Jesus. When we truly love Christ, everything else flows from that relationship. This love transforms our...
DevotionalAt the root of many of our spiritual struggles lies pride. Like Jonah, we often find ourselves in conflict not really with others, but with God Himself. We question His decisions, doubt His wisdom, and sometimes even resist His mercy toward others. This...
DevotionalSin is persistent, much like stubborn crabgrass that keeps returning despite our best efforts to eliminate it. We might experience victory one day, only to face the same struggles the next. This ongoing battle can be discouraging, but it’s important to...
DevotionalAnger can be like a thick fog that clouds our judgment and distorts our perspective. It’s fascinating how quickly anger can transform us, making us deaf to reason and blind to truth. In our anger, we often justify actions we would normally condemn,...
DevotionalHave you ever found yourself deciding who deserves forgiveness? It’s a common human tendency to play judge and jury, especially when we feel someone doesn’t deserve mercy. Like Jonah, we often struggle with God’s generous mercy toward...