The Battle Within

DevotionalSin is persistent, much like stubborn crabgrass that keeps returning despite our best efforts to eliminate it. We might experience victory one day, only to face the same struggles the next. This ongoing battle can be discouraging, but it’s important to...

The Danger of Anger

DevotionalAnger can be like a thick fog that clouds our judgment and distorts our perspective. It’s fascinating how quickly anger can transform us, making us deaf to reason and blind to truth. In our anger, we often justify actions we would normally condemn,...

The Heart of Mercy

DevotionalHave you ever found yourself deciding who deserves forgiveness? It’s a common human tendency to play judge and jury, especially when we feel someone doesn’t deserve mercy. Like Jonah, we often struggle with God’s generous mercy toward...

Starting Where You Are

DevotionalIt’s easy to dream about making a difference ‘somewhere else’ or ‘someday.’ But true impact starts right where we are. Change doesn’t primarily come from distant places of power – Wall Street, Washington, or...

Beyond Comfort Zones

DevotionalGrowth rarely happens within our comfort zones. God often calls us to step out in faith, to move beyond what feels safe and familiar. Like Jonah, we might resist this call, preferring to stay where it’s comfortable. But God’s greatest work often...

The Power of Showing Up

DevotionalSometimes we overcomplicate what it means to be used by God. We think we need special training, extraordinary talents, or perfect circumstances. But often, the most powerful ministry happens through simple faithfulness – just showing up day after day...