The Goal of Reconciliation

Day 4: The Goal of ReconciliationDevotionalForgiveness vertically reconciles me to God… The goal of forgiveness, horizontally, is that we be reconciled to one another. True forgiveness involves not just letting go of the hurt but also seeking reconciliation with those...

The Decision to Forgive

Day 3: The Decision to ForgiveDevotionalForgiveness says, we pay. And we don’t like that, do we? Forgiveness is not an end of itself, but forgiveness is a means to an end. It requires a conscious decision to forgive, even before we feel like it. This decision is...

The Hypocrisy of Unforgiveness

Day 2: DevotionalWe are forgiveness hoarders. We receive by the truckload… and then we dispense it in medicine droppers when we want to. The parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:23-35 highlights the hypocrisy and consequences of receiving forgiveness but...

The Challenge of Forgiveness

DevotionalForgiveness is one of the most challenging aspects of being a true Christian. We often find it difficult to forgive those who have wronged us, holding onto grudges and letting bitterness take root in our hearts. Yet, the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of...