Creator of All Things

DevotionalContinuing our reflection, Colossians 1:16 reveals another incredible truth about Jesus: ‘For by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible.’ Jesus is not only the image of God but also the Creator...

The Image of the Invisible God

DevotionalAs we begin this journey of understanding the Incarnation, let’s start with the profound truth that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. Colossians 1:15 tells us, ‘He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.’...

Embracing the Majesty of Jesus

DevotionalThis Christmas, let’s embrace the majesty of Jesus. He is the King over all the cosmos, and His sovereignty extends to every aspect of our lives. By submitting to His lordship, we can find strength, peace, and perseverance even in difficult times....

Finding Strength in Jesus

DevotionalLife is filled with challenges, but how we respond to them determines the order of our lives. If Jesus is the King of your life, He will hold you together, no matter how dark the valley may be. His presence brings strength, peace, and perseverance. Trust in...

The Sovereignty of Jesus

DevotionalJesus is not just a baby in a manger; He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His sovereignty extends over all creation, from the cosmos to the moral order within us. Everything has its origin in Jesus Christ, and He holds all things together. Reflect on...

God With Us: Emmanuel

DevotionalThe miracle of Christmas is that God came to be with us. Jesus, the image of the invisible God, took on human form to rescue us. This is not just a historical event; it is a present reality. God is with us in our joys and our struggles. He understands our...