Leaders: Pastor Donna & Garren Burdette
Worship Times: Sunday’s 9am & 10:30am | Wednesday’s 7:00pm
Classes Offered: Sunday School, Kids Church, Wednesday Classes.
Ages: Nurseries – birth through 2yrs; Preschool classes – 3yrs through K5; Elementary classes – 1st through 5th grades
Special Events: 5th Sunday Worship in ‘Big Church’; Fun Sunday Themes; Christmas Play.
What To Expect: Check-In your child to our convenient touch screen computers. Place the security sticker on your child and escort them to their assigned class, be sure to hang on to your security tag as you’ll need this to pick up your child!
First Time Guests: You’ll be asked to fill out a brief form with some essential information we’ll need to ensure your child’s care during their time with us. (This includes a name, emergency contact information and allergies.) The next time you visit with us your child’s information will be included in our database for you to check-in at the computers, simply punch in your 4 digit code (last four of your telephone number.) Your child will be assigned a temporary badge for their first visit.

Leaders: Pastors Bo & Jennifer Madden
Worship Times: Wednesday’s 7pm, Sundays 10am
Ages: Middle School & High School Students
Special Events: Back to School Bash; Winterfest (High School); Amplify (Junior High); Youth Camps (June/July)
What To Expect: PCS seeks to create community, fellowship, and engagement for our middle school and high school opportunities. Through worship services, special events, and small groups PCS students grow their faith in God and relationships with one another.
First Time Guests: We have a First Point team help students connect and find their place at PCS.

Leaders: Pastor Bob & Rebecca McCuen, Brent & April Rains
Worship Times: Sunday’s 9am & 10:30am | Wednesday’s 7:00pm
Ages: 13 and up
Special Events: Christmas Program (2nd Sunday in December), Night of Worship (quarterly)

Leaders: April Rains (Ladies Retreat); Jeanne Harvey (Bible Study)
Opportunities: Bible Study (Spring & Fall); Ladies Retreat (Spring)
Ages: open to all ladies ages 13+
What To Expect:
-Bible Study takes place on Sunday’s at 5:30pm. Studies range between 4-6 weeks in length and meet in the Dining Center.
-Ladies Retreat is open to all ladies ages 18+.

Ages: Senior Adults 55+
Special Events: Fellowship Meal (1st Sunday of each month); Special Outings (annually)
What To Expect: Senior’s are invited to sign up and join us following the 10:30 service the first Sunday of each month in the Dining Center for a FREE meal. We’ll highlight special birthday’s, anniversaries and holiday’s for the month.

LEADERS: Brent & April Rains
EVENTS: Night of Worship (Quarterly), Marriage Conferences (Annually), Missions Trips
What To Expect: Family Ministries aims to grow and find new areas to minister to and through families. If you’re looking for opportunities for your family to engage in worship and spiritual growth together, connect with Pastor Brent & April Rains and consider how your participation in Family Ministries will encourage you.

LEADER: Pastor Chris Criswell
EVENTS: Bible Study (Fall & Winter) | Encounter Weekend (Quarterly) | Men’s Retreat (annually)
What To Expect: The men’s ministry of Praise seeks to help men engage with Christ and find freedom to walk as a man in Christ. The Bible studies are filled with food and fellowship to help encourage men and provide a great forum for open discussions. Encounter & Men’s Retreat weekends focus on men interacting together and finding deeper places in Christ and growing closer to him. This is open to all men ages 16 and up.

LEADER: Pastor Jonathan McClain
EVENTS: Weekly Bible Study & Fellowship Events
What To Expect: Our Young Adult Ministry seeks to engage with young adults that are beginning their journey through life through weekly Bible study and fellowship opportunities.

LEADER: Pastors Bo & Jennifer Madden
EVENTS: Sunday Evening Worship Services + Events
What To Expect: Our College Ministry seeks to engage with college students in our area and provide a Sunday evening worship opportunity. Doors open early for Perks Coffee Shop and fellowship.