This Christmas, let’s embrace the majesty of Jesus. He is the King over all the cosmos, and His sovereignty extends to every aspect of our lives. By submitting to His lordship, we can find strength, peace, and perseverance even in difficult times. Reflect on the miracle of God becoming man and allow His truth to transform your life. Embrace the majesty of Jesus and let His presence fill your heart with wonder and gratitude.
Bible Verse
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. – Colossians 1:16
Reflection Question
How can you embrace the majesty of Jesus and allow His truth to transform your life this Christmas?
This one in the manger, he’s already king. And he’s not just a king again. He is the king.
Father, help me to embrace the majesty of Jesus and to allow His truth to transform my life. Fill my heart with wonder and gratitude this Christmas. Amen.