It’s easy to dream about making a difference ‘somewhere else’ or ‘someday.’ But true impact starts right where we are. Change doesn’t primarily come from distant places of power – Wall Street, Washington, or Hollywood. It starts in our homes, our neighborhoods, our workplaces. These are our mission fields. If we can’t be faithful and impactful in our current situation, a change of location won’t make a difference. God has strategically placed each of us in our current circumstances. Our sphere of influence, no matter how small it might seem, is our opportunity to participate in God’s transformative work.

Bible Verse
‘So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him.’ – 1 Samuel 17:50

Reflection Question
What opportunities for impact are you currently overlooking in your immediate sphere of influence?

“If you can’t be used of God where you are, you’ll never be used any place he puts you.”

Heavenly Father, open my eyes to see the ministry opportunities right in front of me. Help me to be faithful where You’ve placed me, trusting that You can use me to make a difference right where I am. Amen.