Sin is persistent, much like stubborn crabgrass that keeps returning despite our best efforts to eliminate it. We might experience victory one day, only to face the same struggles the next. This ongoing battle can be discouraging, but it’s important to remember that we’re not alone in this fight. The key isn’t in our ability to conquer sin – that’s Jesus’s role. Our role is to continually turn to Him in repentance, acknowledging our need for His transforming power.

Bible Verse
“For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being.” – Romans 7:22

Reflection Question
What recurring sins do you find yourself struggling with? How might approaching these struggles with repentance rather than repression change your perspective?

“Repressed sin always returns. And the only hope is not repressed sin. It’s repented sin.”

Jesus, thank You for Your victory over sin. Help me to turn to You in genuine repentance rather than trying to fight my battles alone. Transform me from the inside out. Amen.