Have you ever found yourself deciding who deserves forgiveness? It’s a common human tendency to play judge and jury, especially when we feel someone doesn’t deserve mercy. Like Jonah, we often struggle with God’s generous mercy toward others, particularly those different from us. We create invisible lines, determining who should receive grace based on our limited perspective. Yet, this attitude reveals more about our heart condition than those we judge. God’s mercy extends far beyond our human boundaries, reaching places and people we might deem unworthy. His love knows no limits, and His grace has no borders.
Bible Verse
“When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple.” – Jonah 2:7
Reflection Question
When was the last time you struggled with God showing mercy to someone you thought didn’t deserve it? What does this reveal about your own heart?
“We want to tell God who should get mercy and who should get justice. And it generally goes like this, God, if they look like me and they dress like me and they believe like me. And if they vote like me, THEN give them mercy….”
Lord, soften my heart to see others through Your eyes of mercy. Help me remember that I too am a recipient of Your undeserved grace. Guide me to extend the same mercy to others that You’ve so freely given to me. Amen.