As we begin this journey of understanding the Incarnation, let’s start with the profound truth that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. Colossians 1:15 tells us, ‘He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.’ This means that in Jesus, we see the fullness of God’s character, His love, His wisdom, and His power. When we look at Jesus, we are looking at God Himself. This is a mind-blowing reality that should fill us with awe and wonder. As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that the baby in the manger is the visible representation of our invisible God.
Bible Verse
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. – Colossians 1:15
Reflection Question
How does knowing that Jesus is the image of the invisible God change the way you view Him and your relationship with Him?
When God became man, Colossians, chapter one, verse 15.
Lord, help me to see Jesus as the true image of You. Open my eyes to the wonder of the Incarnation and let it transform my heart and mind. Amen.