Jesus is not just a baby in a manger; He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His sovereignty extends over all creation, from the cosmos to the moral order within us. Everything has its origin in Jesus Christ, and He holds all things together. Reflect on His authority and power, and consider whether Jesus is truly the King of your life. By submitting to His lordship, you can find strength, peace, and perseverance even in difficult times.

Bible Verse
And in him, all things hold together. – Colossians 1:17

Reflection Question
 Is Jesus truly the King of your life? How can you submit more fully to His lordship?

 Everything has its origin in Jesus Christ. Therefore, he has the right to rule and have authority over all things.

Jesus, I acknowledge Your sovereignty over all creation and over my life. Help me to submit to Your lordship and to trust in Your power and authority. Amen.